Source code for wwdata.Class_HydroData

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class_HydroData provides functionalities for handling data obtained in the context of (waste)water treatment.

Copyright (C) 2016 Chaim De Mulder

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

#import sys
import os
#from os import listdir
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   #plotten in python
import warnings as wn

import wwdata.data_reading_functions #imports the functions in the ones without underscore are included, the ones with underscore need to be called by hp.data_reading_functions.function()
#import time_conversion_functions #import timedelta_to_abs, _get_datetime_info,\

[docs]class HydroData(): """ Attributes ---------- timedata_column : str name of the column containing the time data data_type : str type of data provided experiment_tag : str A tag identifying the experiment; can be a date or a code used by the producer/owner of the data. time_unit : str The time unit in which the time data is given units : array The units of the variables in the columns """ def __init__(self,data,timedata_column='index',data_type='WWTP', experiment_tag='No tag given',time_unit=None, units=[]): """ initialisation of a HydroData object. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): = data.copy() else: try: = pd.DataFrame(data.copy()) except: raise Exception("Input data not convertable to DataFrame.") if timedata_column == 'index': self.timename = 'index' self.time = else: self.timename = timedata_column self.time =[timedata_column].values.ravel() self.columns = np.array( self.data_type = data_type self.tag = experiment_tag self.time_unit = time_unit self.meta_valid = pd.DataFrame( self.units = units #self.highs = pd.DataFrame(data=0,columns=['highs'], #wn.warn('WARNING: Some functions in the OnlineSensorBased Class assume ' + \ #'equidistant data!!! This is primarily of importance when indexes are ' + \ #'missing!')
[docs] def set_tag(self,tag): """ Sets the tag element of the HydroData object to the given tag Returns ------- None """ self.tag = tag
[docs] def set_units(self,units): """ Set the units element of the HydroData object to a given dataframe """ if isinstance(units, pd.DataFrame): self.units = units.copy() else: try: self.units = pd.DataFrame(units.copy()) except: raise Exception("Unit data not convertable to DataFrame type.")
[docs] def set_time_unit(self,unit): """ Sets the time_unit element of the HydroData object to a given unit Returns ------- None """ self.time_unit = unit
[docs] def head(self, n=5): """piping pandas head function, see for documentation""" return
[docs] def tail(self, n=5): """piping pandas tail function, see for documentation""" return
[docs] def index(self): """piping pandas index function, see for documentation""" return
##################### ### FORMATTING #####################
[docs] def fill_index(self,arange,index_type='float'): """ function to fill in missing index values """ wn.warn('This function assumes equidistant data and fills the indexes '+\ 'accordingly') first_part =[ < arange[0]] if isinstance([0],dt.datetime): delta_time =[1][0] index = [arange[0] + delta_time * x for x in range(0, int((arange[1]-arange[0])/delta_time))] elif isinstance([0],float): day_length = float(len([0:1])) index = np.arange(arange[0],arange[1],(arange[1]-arange[0])/day_length) fill_part = pd.DataFrame(index=index, last_part =[ > arange[1]] = first_part.append(fill_part).append(last_part) self._update_time()
def _reset_meta_valid(self,data_name=None): """ reset the meta dataframe, possibly for only a certain data series, should wrong labels have been assigned at some point """ if data_name == None: self.meta_valid = pd.DataFrame( else: try: self.meta_valid[data_name] = pd.Series(['original']*len(self.meta_valid),index=self.index()) #self.meta_valid.drop(data_name,axis=1) except: pass #wn.warn(data_name + ' is not contained in self.meta_valid yet, so cannot\ #be removed from it!')
[docs] def drop_index_duplicates(self): """ drop rows with a duplicate index. Also updates the meta_valid dataframe Note ---- It is assumed that the dropped rows containt the same data as their index- based duplicate, i.e. that no data is lost using the function. """ #len_orig = len( = self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.groupby(self.meta_valid.index).first() self._update_time() if isinstance(self.index()[1],str): wn.warn('Rows may change order using this function based on '+ \ 'string values. Convert to datetime, int or float and use '+ \ '.sort_index() or .sort_value() to avoid. (see also hp.to_datetime())')
[docs] def replace(self,to_replace,value,inplace=False): """piping pandas replace function, see for documentation""" if inplace == False: return self.__class__(,value,inplace=False),,self.data_type, self.tag,self.time_unit) elif inplace == True: return,value,inplace=inplace)
[docs] def set_index(self,keys,key_is_time=False,drop=True,inplace=False, verify_integrity=False,save_prev_index=True): """ piping and extending pandas set_index function, see for documentation Notes ---------- key_is_time : bool when true, the new index will we known as the time data from here on (other arguments cfr pd.set_index) Returns ------- HydroData object (if inplace=False) None (if inplace=True) """ if save_prev_index: self.prev_index = if not inplace: if key_is_time: if isinstance(self.time[0],str): raise ValueError('Time values of type "str" can not be used as index') timedata_column = 'index' elif key_is_time == False: timedata_column = self.timename data =,drop=drop,inplace=False, verify_integrity=verify_integrity) return self.__class__(pd.DataFrame(data),timedata_column=timedata_column, data_type=self.data_type,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) elif inplace: if key_is_time: if self.timename == 'index': raise IndexError('There already is a timeseries in the dataframe index!') if isinstance(self.time[0],str): raise ValueError('Time values of type "str" can not be used as index'),drop=drop,inplace=True, verify_integrity=verify_integrity) self.columns = np.array( self._update_meta_valid_index() if key_is_time: self.timename = 'index' self.time =
def _update_time(self): """ adjust the value of self.time, needed in some functions """ if self.timename == 'index': self.time = self.index() else: self.time =[self.timename] def _update_meta_valid_index(self): """ update the index of the meta_valid dataframe to be the same as the one of the dataframe with the data """ self.meta_valid.index = self.index()
[docs] def to_float(self,columns='all'): """ convert values in given columns to float values Parameters --------- columns : array of strings column names of the columns where values need to be converted to floats """ if columns == 'all': columns = self.columns#.levels[0] for column in columns: try:[column] =[column].astype(float) except TypeError: print('Data type of column '+ str(column) + ' not convertible to float') self._update_time()
[docs] def to_datetime(self,time_column='index',time_format='%dd-%mm-%yy', unit='D'): """ Piping and modifying pandas to_datetime function Parameters --------- time_column : str column name of the column where values need to be converted to date- time values. Default 'index' converts index values to datetime time_format : str the format to use by to_datetime function to convert strings to datetime format unit : str unit to use by to_datetime function to convert int or float values to datetime format """ if time_column == 'index': if isinstance(self.time[0],int) or isinstance(self.time[0],float): = pd.to_datetime(self.time,unit=unit) elif isinstance(self.time[0],str): = pd.to_datetime(self.time,format=time_format) else: if isinstance(self.time[0],int) or isinstance(self.time[0],float): = pd.to_datetime([time_column],unit=unit) elif isinstance(self.time[0],str):[time_column] = pd.to_datetime([time_column].values.ravel(), format=time_format),inplace=True) self._update_time()
[docs] def absolute_to_relative(self,time_data='index',unit='d',inplace=True, save_abs=True,decimals=5): """ converts a pandas series with datetime timevalues to relative timevalues in the given unit, starting from 0 Parameters ---------- time_data : str name of the column containing the time data. If this is the index column, just give 'index' (also default) unit : str unit to which to convert the time values (sec, min, hr or d) Returns ------- None if inplace is True HydroData object if inplace it False """ if time_data == 'index': timedata = self.time else: timedata =[time_data] time_delta = timedata - timedata[0] relative = if unit == 'sec': relative = np.array(relative) elif unit == 'min': relative = np.array(relative) / (60) elif unit == 'hr': relative = np.array(relative) / (60*60) elif unit == 'd': relative = np.array(relative) / (60*60*24) self.time_unit = unit if inplace == False: data = data['time_rel'] = relative.round(decimals) return self.__class__(data,self.timename) elif inplace == True: if save_abs == True:['time_abs'] = timedata self.columns = np.array( if time_data == 'index': = relative.round(decimals) self._update_time() self.columns = np.array( return None else:[time_data] = relative.round(decimals) return None
[docs] def write(self,filename,filepath=os.getcwd(),method='all'): """ Parameters ---------- filepath : str the path the output file should be saved to filename : str the name of the output file method : str (all,filtered,filled) depending on the method choice, different values will be written out: all values, only the filtered values or the filled values for_WEST : bool include_units : bool Returns ------- None; write an output file """ if method == 'all':,filename),sep='\t') elif method == 'filtered': to_write = for column in self.meta_valid.columns: to_write[column] =[column][self.meta_valid[column]=='original'] to_write.to_csv(os.path.join(filepath,filename),sep='\t') elif method == 'filled': self.filled.to_csv(os.path.join(filepath,filename),sep='\t')
####################### ### DATA EXPLORATION #######################
[docs] def get_avg(self,name=None,only_checked=True): """ Gets the averages of all or certain columns in a dataframe Parameters ---------- name : arary of str name(s) of the column(s) containing the data to be averaged; defaults to ['none'] and will calculate average for every column Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : pandas dataframe, containing the average slopes of all or certain columns """ mean = [] if only_checked: df = df[self.meta_valid == 'filtered']=np.nan if name == None: mean = df.mean() elif isinstance(name,str): mean = df[name].mean() else: for i in name: mean.append(df[name].mean()) else: if name == None: mean = elif isinstance(name,str): mean =[name].mean() else: for i in name: mean.append([name].mean()) return mean
[docs] def get_std(self,name=None,only_checked=True): """ Gets the standard deviations of all or certain columns in a dataframe Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.DataFrame dataframe containing the columns to calculate the standard deviation for name : arary of str name(s) of the column(s) containing the data to calculate standard deviation for; defaults to ['none'] and will calculate standard deviation for every column plot : bool if True, plots the calculated standard deviations, defaults to False Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : pandas dataframe, containing the average slopes of all or certain columns """ std=[] if only_checked: df = df[self.meta_valid == 'filtered']=np.nan if name == None: std = df.std() elif isinstance(name,str): std = df[name].std() else: for i in name: std.append(df[name].std()) else: if name == None: std = elif isinstance(name,str): std =[name].std() else: for i in name: std.append([name].std()) return std
[docs] def get_highs(self,data_name,bound_value,arange,method='percentile',plot=False): """ creates a dataframe with tags indicating what indices have data-values higher than a certain value; example: the definition/tagging of rain events. Parameters ---------- data_name : str name of the column to execute the function on bound_value : float the boundary value above which points will be tagged arange : array of two values the range within which high values need to be tagged method: str (value or percentile) when percentile, the bound value is a given percentile above which data points will be tagged, when value, bound_values is used directly to tag data points. Returns ------- None """ self._reset_highs() try: data_to_use =[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]].copy() except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") # get indexes where flow is higher then bound_value if method is 'value': bound_value = bound_value elif method is 'percentile': bound_value = data_to_use.dropna().quantile(bound_value) indexes = data_to_use.loc[data_to_use > bound_value].index self.highs['highs'].loc[indexes] = 1 if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(data_to_use[self.highs['highs']==0].index, data_to_use[self.highs['highs']==0], '-g') ax.plot(data_to_use[self.highs['highs']==1].index, data_to_use[self.highs['highs']==1], '.b',label='high') ax.legend(fontsize=17) ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) ax.set_ylabel(data_name,size=17) ax.set_xlabel('Time',size=17)
def _reset_highs(self): """ """ self.highs = pd.DataFrame(data=0,columns=['highs'],index=self.index()) ############## ### FILTERING ##############
[docs] def add_to_meta_valid(self,column_names): """ Adds (a) column(s) with the given column_name(s) to the self.meta_filled DataFrame, where all tags are set to 'original'. This makes sure that also data that already is very reliable can be used further down the process (e.g. filling etc.) Parameters ---------- column_names : array array containing the names of the columns to add to the meta_valied dataframe """ self._plot = 'valid' # Create/adjust self.filled self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index()) for column in column_names: if not column in self.meta_valid.columns: self.meta_valid[column] = 'original' else: pass wn.warn('self.meta_valid already contains a column named ' + column + '. The original column was kept.')
[docs] def tag_nan(self,data_name,arange=None,clear=False): """ adds a tag 'filtered' in self.meta_valid for every NaN value in the given column Parameters ---------- data_name : str column name of the column to apply the function to arange : array of two values the range within which nan values need to be tagged clear : bool when true, resets the tags in meta_valid for the data in column data_name Returns ------- None """ self._plot='valid' if clear: self._reset_meta_valid(data_name) self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index(),fill_value='!!') if not data_name in self.meta_valid.columns: # if the data_name column doesn't exist yet in the meta_valid dataset, # add it self.add_to_meta_valid([data_name]) if arange == None: len_orig = len([data_name]) self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(np.isnan([data_name]), 'filtered','original') len_new =[data_name].count() else: # check if arange has the right type try: len_orig = len([data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]]) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange "+\ "argument type " + str(type(arange[0])) + " or " +\ str(type(arange[1])) + ". Try changing the type "+\ "of the arange values to one compatible with " + \ str(type([0])) + " slicing.") self.meta_valid[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]] = np.where(np.isnan([data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]]), 'filtered','original') len_new =[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]].count() _print_removed_output(len_orig,len_new,'NaN tagging')
[docs] def tag_doubles(self,data_name,bound,arange=None,clear=False,inplace=False,log_file=None, plot=False,final=False): ''' tags double values that subsequently occur in a measurement series. This is relevant in case a sensor has failed and produces a constant signal. A band is provided within which the signal can vary and still be filtered out Parameters ---------- data_name : str column name of the column from which double values will be sought bound : float boundary value of the band to use. When the difference between a point and the next one is smaller then the bound value, the latter datapoint is tagged as 'filtered'. arange : array of two values the range within which double values need to be tagged clear : bool if True, the tags added to datapoints before will be removed and put back to 'original'. inplace : bool indicates whether a new dataframe is created and returned or whether the operations are executed on the existing dataframe (nothing is returned). (This argument only comes into play when the 'final' argument is True) log_file : str string containing the directory to a log file to be written out when using this function plot : bool whether or not to make a plot of the newly tagged data points final : bool if true, the values are actually replaced with nan values (either inplace or in a new hp object) Returns ------- HydroData object (if inplace=False) the dataframe from which the double values of 'data' are removed or replaced None (if inplace=True) ''' self._plot = 'valid' len_orig =[data_name].count() # Make temporary object for operations df_temp = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, data_type=self.data_type,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) # Make a mask with False values for double values to be dropped bound_mask = abs([data_name].dropna().diff()) >= bound # Make sure the indexes are still the same in the mask and df_temp, so the # tagging can happen bound_mask = bound_mask.reindex(df_temp.index()).fillna(True) # Make a mask with False values where data needs to be filtered if arange == None: mask = bound_mask else: try: range_mask = (self.index() < arange[0]) | (arange[1] < self.index()) mask = bound_mask + range_mask except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange "+\ "argument type " + str(type(arange[0])) + " or " +\ str(type(arange[1])) + ". Try changing the type "+\ "of the arange values to one compatible with " + \ str(type([0])) + " slicing.") # Update the index of self.meta_valid if clear: self._reset_meta_valid(data_name) self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index(),fill_value='!!') # Do the actual filtering, based on the mask[data_name] =[data_name].drop([mask==False].index) len_new =[data_name].count() if log_file == None: _print_removed_output(len_orig,len_new,'double value tagging') elif type(log_file) == str: _log_removed_output(log_file,len_orig,len_new,'filtered') else: raise TypeError('Provide the location of the log file \ as a string type, or drop the argument if \ no log file is needed.') self.meta_valid[data_name][mask==False] = 'filtered' # Create new temporary object, where the dropped datapoints are replaced # by nan values (by assigning a new column to the original dataframe) #df_temp_2 = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, # experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit)[data_name] =[data_name] #df_temp_2._update_time() # Update the self.meta_valid dataframe, to contain False values for dropped # datapoints. This is done by tracking the nan values in df_temp_2 #if data_name in self.meta_valid.columns: # temp_1 = self.meta_valid[data_name].isin(['filtered']) # temp_2 = pd.DataFrame(np.where(np.isnan([data_name]),True,False)) # temp_3 = temp_1 | temp_2 # self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(temp_3,'filtered','original') #else: # self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.isnan([data_name]) # self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(self.meta_valid[data_name],'filtered','original') if plot == True: self.plot_analysed(data_name) if final: if inplace:[data_name] =[data_name] self._update_time() elif not inplace: return df_temp if not final: return None
[docs] def tag_extremes(self,data_name,arange=None,limit=0,method='below', clear=False,plot=False): """ Tags values above or below a given limit. Parameters ---------- data_name : str name of the column containing the data to be tagged arange : array of two values the range within which extreme values need to be tagged limit : int/float limit below or above which values need to be tagged method : 'below' or 'above' below tags all the values below the given limit, above tags the values above the limit clear : bool if True, the tags added before will be removed and put back to 'original'. plot : bool whether or not to make a plot of the newly tagged data points Returns ------- None; """ if clear: self._reset_meta_valid(data_name) self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index(),fill_value='!!') if not data_name in self.meta_valid.columns: # if the data_name column doesn't exist yet in the meta_valid dataset, # add it self.add_to_meta_valid([data_name]) if arange == None: len_orig = len([data_name]) mask_valid = np.where(self.meta_valid[data_name] == 'filtered',True,False) if method == 'below': mask_tagging = np.where([data_name]<limit,True,False) mask = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([mask_tagging,mask_valid])).any(axis=1) self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(mask,'filtered','original') elif method == 'above': mask_tagging = np.where([data_name]>limit,True,False) mask = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([mask_tagging,mask_valid])).any(axis=1) self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(mask,'filtered','original') else: # check if arange has the right type try: len_orig = len([data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]]) mask_valid = np.where(self.meta_valid[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]] == 'filtered',True,False) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange "+\ "argument type " + str(type(arange[0])) + " or " +\ str(type(arange[1])) + ". Try changing the type "+\ "of the arange values to one compatible with " + \ str(type([0])) + " slicing.") if method == 'below': mask_tagging = np.where([data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]]<limit,True,False) mask = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([mask_tagging,mask_valid])).any(axis=1) self.meta_valid[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]] = np.where(mask,'filtered','original') elif method == 'above': mask_tagging = np.where([data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]]>limit,True,False) mask = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([mask_tagging,mask_valid])).any(axis=1) self.meta_valid[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]] = np.where(mask,'filtered','original') len_new = mask_tagging.sum() _print_removed_output(len_orig,len_new,'tagging of extremes ('+method+')') if plot == True: self.plot_analysed(data_name)
[docs] def calc_slopes(self,xdata,ydata,time_unit=None,slope_range=None): """ Calculates slopes for given xdata and data_name; if a time unit is given as an argument, the time values (xdata) will first be converted to this unit, which will then be used to calculate the slopes with. Parameters ---------- xdata : str name of the column containing the xdata for slope calculation (e.g. time). If 'index', the index is used as xdata. If datetime objects, a time_unit is expected to calculate the slopes. data_name : str name of the column containing the data_name for slope calculation time_unit : str time unit to be used for the slope calculation (in case this is based on time); if None, slopes are simply calculated based on the values given !! This value has no impact if the xdata column is the index and is not a datetime type. If that is the case, it is assumed that the user knows the unit of the xdata !! Returns ------- pd.Series pandas Series object containing the slopes calculated for the chosen variable """ slopes = pd.DataFrame() if xdata == 'index':[xdata] = date_time = isinstance([xdata][0],np.datetime64) or \ isinstance([xdata][0],dt.datetime) or \ isinstance([xdata][0],pd.tslib.Timestamp) if time_unit == None or date_time == False: try: slopes =[ydata].diff() /[xdata].diff() self.time_unit = time_unit except TypeError: raise TypeError('Slope calculation cannot be executed, probably due to a \ non-handlable datatype. Either use the time_unit argument or \ use timedata of type np.datetime64, dt.datetime or pd.tslib.Timestamp.') return None elif time_unit == 'sec': slopes =[ydata].diff()/ \ ([xdata].diff().dt.seconds) elif time_unit == 'min': slopes =[ydata].diff()/ \ ([xdata].diff().dt.seconds / 60) elif time_unit == 'hr': slopes =[ydata].diff()/ \ ([xdata].diff().dt.seconds / 3600) elif time_unit == 'd': slopes =[ydata].diff()/ \ ([xdata].diff().dt.days + \[xdata].diff().dt.seconds / 3600 / 24) else : raise ValueError('Could not calculate slopes. If you are using \ time-units to calculate slopes, please make sure you entered a \ valid time unit for slope calculation (sec, min, hr or d)') if xdata == 'index':,axis=1,inplace=True) return slopes
[docs] def moving_slope_filter(self,xdata,data_name,cutoff,arange,time_unit=None, clear=False,inplace=False,log_file=None,plot=False, final=False): """ Filters out datapoints based on the difference between the slope in one point and the next (sudden changes like noise get filtered out), based on a given cut off value. Replaces the dropped values with NaN values. Parameters ---------- xdata : str name of the column containing the xdata for slope calculation (e.g. time). If 'index', the index is used as xdata. If datetime objects, a time_unit is expected to calculate the slopes. data_name : str name of the column containing the data that needs to be filtered cutoff: int the cutoff value to compare the slopes with to apply the filtering. arange : array of two values the range within which the moving slope filter needs to be applied time_unit : str time unit to be used for the slope calculation (in case this is based on time); if None, slopes are calculated based on the values given clear : bool if True, the tags added to datapoints before will be removed and put back to 'original'. inplace : bool indicates whether a new dataframe is created and returned or whether the operations are executed on the existing dataframe (nothing is returned) log_file : str string containing the directory to a log file to be written out when using this function plot : bool if true, a plot is made, comparing the original dataset with the new, filtered dataset final : bool if true, the values are actually replaced with nan values (either inplace or in a new hp object) Returns ------- HydroData object (if inplace=False) the dataframe from which the double values of 'data' are removed None (if inplace=True) Creates ------- A new column in the self.meta_valid dataframe, containing a mask indicating what values are filtered """ self._plot = 'valid' try: len_orig =[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]].count() except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") #if plot == True: # original = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, # experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit) # Make temporary object for operations df_temp = self.__class__([arange[0]:arange[1]].copy(), timedata_column=self.timename,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) # Update the index of self.meta_valid if clear: self._reset_meta_valid(data_name) self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index(),fill_value='!!') # Calculate slopes and drop values in temporary object slopes = df_temp.calc_slopes(xdata,data_name,time_unit=time_unit) if slopes is None: return None while abs(slopes).max() > cutoff:[data_name] =[data_name].drop(slopes[abs(slopes) > cutoff].index) slopes = df_temp.calc_slopes(xdata,data_name,time_unit=time_unit) len_new =[data_name].count() if log_file == None: _print_removed_output(len_orig,len_new,'moving slope filter') elif type(log_file) == str: _log_removed_output(log_file,len_orig,len_new,'filtered') else : raise TypeError('Please provide the location of the log file as '+ \ 'a string type, or leave the argument if no log '+ \ 'file is needed.') # Create new temporary object, where the dropped datapoints are replaced # by nan values df_temp_2 = self.__class__(, timedata_column=self.timename,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit)[data_name] =[data_name] df_temp_2._update_time() # Update the self.meta_valid dataframe, to contain False values for dropped # datapoints and for datapoints already filtered. This is done by # tracking the nan values in df_temp_2 if data_name in self.meta_valid.columns: temp_1 = self.meta_valid[data_name].isin(['filtered']) temp_2 = np.where(np.isnan([data_name]),True,False) temp_3 = temp_1 | temp_2 self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(temp_3,'filtered','original') else: self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.isnan([data_name]) self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(self.meta_valid[data_name],'filtered','original') if plot == True: self.plot_analysed(data_name) if final: if inplace:[data_name] =[data_name] self._update_time() elif not inplace: return df_temp_2 if not final: return None
[docs] def simple_moving_average(self,arange,window,data_name=None,inplace=False, plot=True): """ Calculate the Simple Moving Average of a dataseries from a dataframe, using a window within which the datavalues are averaged. Parameters ---------- arange : array of two values the range within which the moving average needs to be calculated window : int the number of values from the dataset that are used to take the average at the current point. Defaults to 10 data_name : str or array of str name of the column(s) containing the data that needs to be smoothened. If None, smoothened data is computed for the whole dataframe. Defaults to None inplace : bool indicates whether a new dataframe is created and returned or whether the operations are executed on the existing dataframe (nothing is returned) plot : bool if True, a plot is given for comparison between original and smooth data Returns ------- HydroData (or subclass) object either a new object (inplace=False) or an adjusted object, con- taining the smoothened data values """ try: original =[arange[0]:arange[1]].copy() except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") if len(original) < window: raise ValueError("Window width exceeds number of datapoints!") if plot == True: original = self.__class__([arange[0]:arange[1]].copy(), timedata_column=self.timename,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) if inplace == False: df_temp = self.__class__([arange[0]:arange[1]].copy(), timedata_column=self.timename, experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) if data_name == None: df_temp =,center=True).mean() elif isinstance(data_name,str):[data_name] =[data_name].interpolate().\ rolling(window=window,center=True).mean() else: for name in data_name:[name] =[name].interpolate().\ rolling(window=window,center=True).mean() elif inplace == True: if data_name == None: =,center=True).mean() elif isinstance(data_name,str):[data_name] =[data_name].interpolate().\ rolling(window=window,center=True).mean() else: for name in data_name:[name] =[name].interpolate().\ rolling(window=window,center=True).mean() if plot == True: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(original.time,[data_name],'r--',label='original data') if inplace == False: ax.plot(df_temp.time,[data_name],'b-',label='averaged data') elif inplace is True: ax.plot(self.time,[data_name],'b-',label='averaged data') ax.legend(fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(self.timename,fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(data_name,fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) if inplace == False: return df_temp
[docs] def moving_average_filter(self,data_name,window,cutoff_frac,arange,clear=False, inplace=False,log_file=None,plot=False,final=False): """ Filters out the peaks/outliers in a dataset by comparing its values to a smoothened representation of the dataset (Moving Average Filtering). The filtered values are replaced by NaN values. Parameters ---------- data_name : str name of the column containing the data that needs to be filtered window : int the number of values from the dataset that are used to take the average at the current point. cutoff_frac: float the cutoff value (in fraction 0-1) to compare the data and smoothened data: a deviation higher than a certain percentage drops the data- point. arange : array of two values the range within which the moving average filter needs to be applied clear : bool if True, the tags added to datapoints before will be removed and put back to 'original'. inplace : bool indicates whether a new dataframe is created and returned or whether the operations are executed on the existing dataframe (nothing is returned) log_file : str string containing the directory to a log file to be written out when using this function plot : bool if true, a plot is made, comparing the original dataset with the new, filtered dataset final : bool if true, the values are actually replaced with nan values (either inplace or in a new hp object) Returns ------- HydroData object (if inplace=False) the dataframe from which the double values of 'data' are removed None (if inplace=True) """ self._plot = 'valid' try: len_orig =[data_name][arange[0]:arange[1]].count() except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") #if plot == True: # original = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, # experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit) # Make temporary object for operations df_temp = self.__class__([arange[0]:arange[1]].copy(), timedata_column=self.timename,experiment_tag=self.tag, time_unit=self.time_unit) # Make a hydropy object with the smoothened data smooth_data = self.simple_moving_average(arange,window,data_name,inplace=False, plot=False) # Make a mask by comparing smooth and original data, using the given # cut-off percentage mask = (abs([data_name] -[data_name])/\[data_name]) < cutoff_frac # Update the index of self.meta_valid if clear: self._reset_meta_valid(data_name) self.meta_valid = self.meta_valid.reindex(self.index(),fill_value=True) # Do the actual filtering, based on the mask[data_name] =[data_name].drop([mask==False].index) len_new =[data_name].count() if log_file == None: _print_removed_output(len_orig,len_new,'moving average filter') elif type(log_file) == str: _log_removed_output(log_file,len_orig,len_new,'filtered') else : raise TypeError('Please provide the location of the log file as \ a string type, or leave the argument if no log \ file is needed.') # Create new temporary object, where the dropped datapoints are replaced # by nan values (by assigning a new column to the original dataframe) df_temp_2 = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit)[data_name] =[data_name] df_temp_2._update_time() # Update the self.meta_valid dataframe, to contain False values for dropped # datapoints. This is done by tracking the nan values in df_temp_2 if data_name in self.meta_valid.columns: temp_1 = self.meta_valid[data_name].isin(['filtered']) temp_2 = np.where(np.isnan([data_name]),True,False) temp_3 = temp_1 | temp_2 self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(temp_3,'filtered','original') else: self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.isnan([data_name]) self.meta_valid[data_name] = np.where(self.meta_valid[data_name],'filtered','original') if plot: self.plot_analysed(data_name) if final: if inplace:[data_name] =[data_name] self._update_time() elif not inplace: return df_temp_2 if not final: return None
[docs] def savgol(self,data_name,window=55,polyorder=2,plot=False,inplace=False): """ Uses the scipy.signal Savitzky-Golay filter to smoothen the data of a column; The values are either replaced or a new dataframe is returned. Parameters ---------- data_name : str name of the column containing the data that needs to be filtered window : int the length of the filter window; default to 55 polyorder : int The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. polyorder must be less than window. default to 1 plot : bool if true, a plot is made, comparing the original dataset with the new, filtered dataset inplace : bool indicates whether a new dataframe is created and returned or whether the operations are executed on the existing dataframe (nothing is returned) Returns ------- HydroData object (if inplace=False) None (if inplace=True) """ from scipy import signal df_temp = self.__class__(,timedata_column=self.timename, experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit)[data_name] = sp.signal.savgol_filter([data_name]\ ,window,polyorder) if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.time,[data_name],'g--',label='original data') ax.plot(self.time,[data_name],'b-',label='filtered data') ax.legend(fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(self.timename,fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel(data_name,fontsize=20) ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) if inplace:[data_name] =[data_name] else: return df_temp
#============================================================================== # DATA (COR)RELATION #==============================================================================
[docs] def calc_ratio(self,data_1,data_2,arange,only_checked=False): """ Given two datasets or -columns, calculates the average ratio between the first and second dataset, within the given range. Also the standard deviation on this is calculated Parameters ---------- data_1 : str name of the data column containing the data to be in the numerator of the ratio calculation data_2 : str name of the data column containing the data to be in the denominator of the ratio calculation arange : array of two values the range within which the ratio needs to be calculated only_checked : bool if 'True', filtered values are excluded; default to 'False' Returns ------- The average ratio of the first data column over the second one within the given range and including the standard deviation """ # If indexes are in datetime format, convert the arange array to date- # time values #if isinstance([0],pd.tslib.Timestamp): # arange = [([0] + dt.timedelta(arange[0]-1)), # ([0] + dt.timedelta(arange[1]-1))] try:[arange[0]:arange[1]] except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") mean = ([data_1]/[data_2])[arange[0]:arange[1]]\ if arange[0] < self.index()[0] or arange[1] > self.index()[-1]: raise IndexError('Index out of bounds. Check whether the values of ' + \ '"arange" are within the index range of the data.') if only_checked == True: #create new pd.Dataframes for original values in range, #merge only rows in which both values are original data_1_checked = pd.DataFrame([arange[0]:arange[1]][data_1][self.meta_valid[data_1]=='original'].values,[arange[0]:arange[1]][data_1][self.meta_valid[data_1]=='original'].index) data_2_checked = pd.DataFrame([arange[0]:arange[1]][data_2][self.meta_valid[data_2]=='original'].values, \[data_2][arange[0]:arange[1]][self.meta_valid[data_2]=='original'].index) ratio_data = pd.merge(data_1_checked,data_2_checked,left_index=True, right_index=True, how = 'inner') ratio_data.columns = data_1,data_2 mean = (ratio_data[data_1]/ratio_data[data_2])\ .replace(np.inf,np.nan).mean() std = (ratio_data[data_1]/ratio_data[data_2])\ .replace(np.inf,np.nan).std() else: mean = ([arange[0]:arange[1]][data_1]/[arange[0]:arange[1]][data_2])\ .replace(np.inf,np.nan).mean() std = ([arange[0]:arange[1]][data_1]/[arange[0]:arange[1]][data_2])\ .replace(np.inf,np.nan).std() #print('mean : '+str(mean)+ '\n' +'standard deviation : '+str(std)) return mean,std
[docs] def compare_ratio(self,data_1,data_2,arange,only_checked=False): """ Compares the average ratios of two datasets in multiple different ranges and returns the most reliable one, based on the standard deviation on the ratio values Parameters ---------- data_1 : str name of the data column containing the data to be in the numerator of the ratio calculation data_2 : str name of the data column containing the data to be in the denominator of the ratio calculation arange : int the range (in days) for which the ratios need to be calculated and compared only_checked : bool if 'True', filtered values are excluded; default to 'False' Returns ------- The average ratio within the range that has been found to be the most reliable one """ # Make the array with ranges within which to compute ratios, based on # arange, indicating what the interval should be. if isinstance([0],pd.tslib.Timestamp): days = [self.index()[0] + dt.timedelta(arange) * x for x in \ range(0, int((self.index()[-1]-self.index()[0]).days/arange))] starts = [[y] for y in days] ends = [[x + dt.timedelta(arange)] for x in days] #end = ([-1] -[0]).days+1 elif isinstance([0],float): end = int(self.index()[-1]+1) # +1 because int rounds downwards starts = [[y] for y in range(0,end)] ends = [[x] for x in range(arange,end+arange)] ranges = np.append(starts,ends,1) rel_std = np.inf for r in range(0,len(ranges)): average,stdev = self.calc_ratio(data_1,data_2,ranges[r],only_checked) try: relative_std = stdev/average if relative_std < rel_std: std = stdev avg = average index = r rel_std = std/avg except (ZeroDivisionError): pass print('Best ratio (' + str(avg) + ' ± ' + str(std) + \ ') was found in the range: ' + str(ranges[index])) return avg,std
[docs] def get_correlation(self,data_1,data_2,arange,zero_intercept=False, only_checked=False,plot=False): """ Calculates the linear regression coefficients that relate data_1 to data_2 Parameters ---------- data_1 and data_2 : str names of the data columns containing the data between which the correlation will be calculated. arange : array array containing the beginning and end value between which the correlation needs to be calculated zero_intercept : bool indicates whether or not to assume a zero-intercept only_checked: bool if 'True', filtered values are excluded from calculation and plotting; default to 'False' if a value in one column is filtered, the corresponding value in the second column also gets excluded! Returns ------- the linear regression coefficients of the correlation, as well as the r-squared -value """ # If indexes are in datetime format, and arange values are not, # convert the arange array to datetime values if isinstance([0],pd.tslib.Timestamp) and \ isinstance(arange[0],int) or isinstance(arange[0],float): wn.warn('Replacing arange values, assumed to be relative time' + \ ' values, with absolute values of type dt.datetime') arange = [([0] + dt.timedelta(arange[0]-1)), ([0] + dt.timedelta(arange[1]-1))] #if arange[0] < self.time[0] or arange[1] > self.time[-1]: # raise IndexError('Index out of bounds. Check whether the values of '+ \ # '"arange" are within the index range of the data.') = if only_checked: #create new pd.Dataframes for original values in range, #merge only rows in which both values are original data_1_checked = pd.DataFrame([data_1][arange[0]:arange[1]][self.meta_valid[data_1]=='original'].values,[data_1][arange[0]:arange[1]][self.meta_valid[data_1]=='original'].index) data_2_checked = pd.DataFrame([data_2][arange[0]:arange[1]][self.meta_valid[data_2]=='original'].values,[data_2][arange[0]:arange[1]][self.meta_valid[data_2]=='original'].index) corr_data = pd.merge(data_1_checked,data_2_checked,left_index=True, right_index=True, how = 'inner') else: corr_data = pd.DataFrame([arange[0]:arange[1]][[data_1,data_2]].values) corr_data.columns = data_1,data_2 corr_data = corr_data[[data_1,data_2]].dropna() if zero_intercept == True: import statsmodels.api as sm model = sm.OLS(corr_data[data_1],corr_data[data_2]) results = slope = results.params[data_2] intercept = 0.0 r_sq = results.rsquared else: regres =[[data_1,data_2]][arange[0]:arange[1]].dropna() slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = sp.stats.linregress(regres) r_sq = r_value**2 if plot: x = np.arange([data_1][arange[0]:arange[1]].min(),[data_1][arange[0]:arange[1]].max()) y = slope * x + intercept fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot([data_2][arange[0]:arange[1]],[data_1][arange[0]:arange[1]],'bo',markersize=4, label='Data') ax.plot(y,x,label='Linear fit') ax.legend(fontsize=15) ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) ax.set_ylabel(data_1,size=17) ax.set_xlabel(data_2,size=17) #fig.text(1,0.9,'Slope: '+str(slope) + '\nIntercept: '+str(intercept)+'\nR$^2$: '+str(r_sq),color='black',verticalalignment='bottom', bbox={'edgecolor':'black','pad':10,'fill':False}, horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=17) fig.tight_layout() print('slope: ' + str(slope) + ' intercept: ' + str(intercept) + ' R2: ' + str(r_sq)) return slope,intercept,r_sq
#============================================================================== # DAILY PROFILE CALCULATION #==============================================================================
[docs] def calc_daily_profile(self,column_name,arange,quantile=0.9,plot=False, plot_method='quantile',clear=False,only_checked=False): """ Calculates a typical daily profile based on data from the indicated consecutive days. Also saves this average day, along with standard deviation and lower and upper percentiles as given in the arguments. Plotting is possible. Parameters ---------- column_name : str name of the column containing the data to calculate an average day for arange : 2-element array of ints contains the beginning and end day of the period to use for average day calculation quantile : float between 0 and 1 value to use for the calculation of the quantiles plot : bool plot or not plot_method : str method to use for plotting. Available: "quantile" or "stdev" clear : bool wether or not to clear the key in the self.daily_profile dictionary that is already present Returns ------- None creates a dictionary self.daily_profile containing information on the average day as calculated. """ # several checks to make sure the right types, columns... are used try: if not isinstance(self.daily_profile,dict): self.daily_profile = {} except AttributeError: self.daily_profile = {} if clear: try: self.daily_profile.pop(column_name, None) except KeyError: pass if column_name in self.daily_profile.keys(): raise KeyError('self.daily_profile dictionary already contains a ' +\ 'key ' + column_name + '. Set argument "clear" to True to erase the ' + \ 'key and create a new one.') # Give warning when replacing data from rain events and at the same time # check if arange has the right type try: rain = (self.data_type == 'WWTP') and \ (self.highs['highs'].loc[arange[0]:arange[1]].sum() > 1) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Slicing not possible for index type " + \ str(type([0])) + " and arange argument type " + \ str(type(arange[0])) + ". Try changing the type of the arange " + \ "values to one compatible with " + str(type([0])) + \ " slicing.") except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('OnlineSensorBased instance has no attribute "highs". '+\ 'run .get_highs to tag the peaks in the dataset.') if rain : wn.warn('Data points obtained during a rain event will be used for' + \ ' the calculation of an average day. This might lead to a not-' + \ 'representative average day and/or high standard deviations.') daily_profile = pd.DataFrame() if not isinstance(arange[0],int) and not isinstance(arange[0],dt.datetime): raise TypeError('The values of arange must be of type int or dt.datetime') if isinstance([0],dt.datetime): range_days = pd.date_range(arange[0],arange[1]) indexes = [[0],[0]+dt.timedelta(1)] else : range_days = range(arange[0],arange[1]) indexes = [0,1] #if isinstance(arange[0],dt.datetime): # range_days = pd.date_range(arange[0],arange[1]) #if only_checked: # for i in range_days: # daily_profile = pd.merge(daily_profile, # pd.DataFrame([column_name][i:i+1]\ # [self.meta_valid[column_name]=='original'].values), # left_index=True, right_index=True,how='outer') # mean_day = pd.DataFrame(index=daily_profile.index) #[indexes[0]:indexes[1]].index)#\ # [self.meta_valid[column_name]=='original'].index) # if isinstance([0],dt.datetime): # mean_day.index = mean_day.index.time #else: if only_checked and column_name in self.meta_valid: for i in range_days: if isinstance(i,dt.datetime) or isinstance(i,np.datetime64) or isinstance(i,pd.tslib.Timestamp): name = str(i.month) + '-' + str( else: name = str(i) mask_valid = pd.DataFrame((self.meta_valid[column_name][i:i+1] == 'original').values,columns=[name]) daily_profile = pd.merge(daily_profile, pd.DataFrame([column_name][i:i+1].values, columns=[name]).where(mask_valid), left_index=True, right_index=True,how='outer') else: if only_checked: wn.warn('No values of selected column were filtered yet. All values '+ \ 'will be displayed.') for i in range_days: if isinstance(i,dt.datetime) or isinstance(i,np.datetime64) or isinstance(i,pd.tslib.Timestamp): name = str(i.month) + '-' + str( else: name = str(i) daily_profile = pd.merge(daily_profile, pd.DataFrame([column_name][i:i+1].values, columns=[name]), left_index=True, right_index=True,how='outer') daily_profile['index'] =[indexes[0]:indexes[1]].index.time daily_profile = daily_profile.drop_duplicates(subset='index', keep='first')\ .set_index('index').sort_index() mean_day = pd.DataFrame(index=daily_profile.index.values) mean_day['avg'] = daily_profile.mean(axis=1).values mean_day['std'] = daily_profile.std(axis=1).values mean_day['Qupper'] = daily_profile.quantile(quantile,axis=1).values mean_day['Qlower'] = daily_profile.quantile(1-quantile,axis=1).values self.daily_profile[column_name] = mean_day if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg'],'g') if plot_method == 'quantile': ax.plot(mean_day.index,mean_day['Qupper'],'b',alpha=0.5) ax.plot(mean_day.index,mean_day['Qlower'],'b',alpha=0.5) ax.fill_between(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg'],mean_day['Qupper'], color='grey', alpha=0.3) ax.fill_between(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg'],mean_day['Qlower'], color='grey', alpha=0.3) elif plot_method == 'stdev': ax.plot(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg']+mean_day['std'],'b',alpha=0.5) ax.plot(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg']-mean_day['std'],'b',alpha=0.5) ax.fill_between(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg'], mean_day['avg']+mean_day['std'], color='grey', alpha=0.3) ax.fill_between(mean_day.index,mean_day['avg'], mean_day['avg']-mean_day['std'], color='grey', alpha=0.3) ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) ax.set_xlim(mean_day.index[0],mean_day.index[-1]) ax.set_ylabel(column_name,size=17) ax.set_xlabel('Time',size=17) return fig,ax
############## ### PLOTTING ##############
[docs] def plot_analysed(self,data_name,time_range='default',only_checked = False): """ plots the values and their types (original, filtered, filled) \ of a given column in the given time range. Parameters ---------- data_name : str name of the column containing the data to plot time_range : array of two values the range within which the values are plotted; default is all only_checked : bool if 'True', filtered values are excluded; default to 'False' Returns ------- Plot """ # time range settings if time_range == 'default': if isinstance(self.time[0],float): time_range = [int(self.time[0]),int(self.time[-1])+1] elif isinstance(self.time[0],dt.datetime): time_range = [self.time[0],self.time[-1]] else: if not isinstance(time_range[0],type(self.time[0])) or not \ isinstance(time_range[1],type(self.time[-1])): raise TypeError('The value type of the values in time_range must ' + \ 'be the same as the value type of index values') if time_range[0] < self.time[0] or time_range[1] > int(self.time[-1]): raise IndexError('Index out of bounds. Check whether the values of '+\ '"time_range" are within the index range of the data.') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #create new object with only the values within the given time range df = self.__class__([time_range[0]:time_range[1]].copy(),timedata_column=self.timename, experiment_tag=self.tag,time_unit=self.time_unit) if self._plot == 'filled': df.meta_filled = self.meta_filled[time_range[0]:time_range[1]].copy() df.filled = self.filled[time_range[0]:time_range[1]].copy() ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='original'],[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='original'], '.g',label='original') if only_checked == False: if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered'],[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered'], '.r',label='filtered') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol'], '.b',label='filled (interpolation)') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio'], '.m',label='filled (ratio-based)') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation'], '.k',label='filled (correlation-based)') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile'], '.y',label='filled (typical day)') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model'], '.c',label='filled (influent model)') if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_profile_day_before').any(): ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_profile_day_before'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_profile_day_before'], '.',label='filled (previous day)') #if (df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_savitzky_golay').any(): # ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_savitzky_golay'], # df.filled[data_name][df.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_savitzky_golay'], # '.m',label='filled (Savitzky-Golay filter)') elif self._plot == 'valid': df.meta_valid = self.meta_valid[time_range[0]:time_range[1]].copy() ax.plot(df.time[self.meta_valid[data_name]=='original'],[data_name][df.meta_valid[data_name]=='original'], '.g',label='original') if only_checked == False: if (df.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered').any(): if data_name in df.filled.columns: ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], df.filled[data_name][df.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], '.r',label='filtered') else: ax.plot(df.time[df.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'],[data_name][df.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], '.r',label='filtered') print (str(float(df.meta_valid.groupby(data_name).size()['original']*100)/ \ float(df.meta_valid[data_name].count())) + \ '% datapoints are left over from the original ' + \ str(float(df.meta_valid[data_name].count()))) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05,1),loc=2,fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(self.timename,fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel(data_name,fontsize=20) ax.tick_params(labelsize=14) return fig, ax
# def plot_analysed(self,data_name): # """ # # """ # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # # if not self._plot == 'filled' or self._plot == 'valid': # ValueError('No filtering or filling of the current dataset has been done.\ # Run any filter or filling function to start the data analysis.') # # if self._plot == 'filled': # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='original'], #[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='original'], # '.g',label='original') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered'], #[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filtered'], # '.r',label='filtered') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_interpol'], # '.b',label='filled (interpolation)') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_ratio'], # '.m',label='filled (ratio-based)') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_correlation'], # '.k',label='filled (correlation-based)') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_average_profile'], # '.y',label='filled (typical day)') # if (self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model').any(): # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_filled[data_name]=='filled_infl_model'], # '.c',label='filled (influent model)') # # elif self._plot == 'valid': # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_valid[data_name]=='original'], #[data_name][self.meta_valid[data_name]=='original'], # '.g',label='original') # if (self.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered').any(): # if data_name in self.filled.columns: # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], # self.filled[data_name][self.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], # '.r',label='filtered') # else: # ax.plot(self.time[self.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], #[data_name][self.meta_valid[data_name]=='filtered'], # '.r',label='filtered') # # ax.legend(fontsize=16) # ax.set_xlabel(self.timename,fontsize=14) # ax.set_ylabel(data_name,fontsize=14) # ax.tick_params(labelsize=14) # # print str(float(self.meta_valid.groupby(data_name).size()['original']*100)/ \ # float(self.meta_valid[data_name].count())) + \ # '% datapoints are left over from the original ' + \ # str(float(self.meta_valid[data_name].count())) # return fig, ax ############################## ### NON-CLASS FUNCTIONS ### ##############################
[docs]def total_seconds(timedelta_value): return timedelta_value.total_seconds()
def _print_removed_output(original,new,function): """ function printing the output of functions that tag datapoints. Parameters ---------- original : int original length of the dataset new : int length of the new dataset function : str info on the function used to filter the data """ print(str(original-new) + ' values detected and tagged as filtered by function ' + function) def _log_removed_output(log_file,original,new,type_): """ function writing the output of functions that remove datapoints to a log file. Parameters ---------- log_file : str string containing the directory to the log file to be written out original : int original length of the dataset new : int length of the new dataset type_ : str 'removed' or 'dropped' """ log_file = open(log_file,'a') log_file.write(str('\nOriginal dataset: '+str(original)+' datapoints; new dataset: '+ str(new)+' datapoints'+str(original-new)+' datapoints ',type_)) log_file.close() # Prepends a WEST-header to read-in text files, to make them WEST compatible def _prepend_WEST_header(filepath,sep,column_names,outputfilename, comment='no comments'): """ """ f = open(filepath,'r') columns = f.readlines() temp = f.readlines()[1:] f.close() f = open(outputfilename, 'w') #f.write("%%Version3.3\ %%BeginComment\ ") #f.write(comment) #f.write("%%EndComment\ %%BeginHeader\ ") #f.write(str())#write the names #f.write(str())#write the units f.write(temp) f.close()