Source code for wwdata.Class_LabExperimBased

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class_LabExperimBased provides functionalities for data handling of data obtained in lab experiments in the field of (waste)water treatment.
Copyright (C) 2016 Chaim De Mulder

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

import sys
#import os
#from os import listdir
#import pandas as pd
#import scipy as sp
#import numpy as np
#import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   #plotten in python
import warnings as wn

from wwdata.Class_HydroData import HydroData

[docs]class LabExperimBased(HydroData): """ Superclass for a HydroData object, expanding the functionalities with specific functions for data gathered is lab experiments. Attributes ---------- timedata_column : str name of the column containing the time data data_type : str type of the data provided experiment_tag : str A tag identifying the experiment; can be a date or a code used by the producer/owner of the data. time_unit : str The time unit in which the time data is given units : array The units of the variables in the columns """ def __init__(self,data,timedata_column='index',data_type='NAT', experiment_tag='No tag given',time_unit=None): """ initialisation of a LabExperimBased object, based on a previously defined HydroData object. """ HydroData.__init__(self,data,timedata_column=timedata_column,data_type=data_type, experiment_tag=experiment_tag,time_unit=time_unit)
[docs] def hours(self,time_column='index'): """ calculates the hours from the relative values Parameters ---------- time_column : string column containing the relative time values; default to index """ if time_column == 'index':['index']=self.time.values['h']= (['indexes'])*24 +['indexes'].shift(1)['h'].fillna(0,inplace=True)'index', axis=1, inplace=True) else:['h']= ([time_column])*24 +[time_column].shift(1)['h'].fillna(0,inplace=True)
[docs] def add_conc(self,column_name,x,y,new_name='default'): """ calculates the concentration values of the given column and adds them as a new column to the DataFrame. Parameters ---------- column_name : str column with values x : int ... y : int ... new_name : str name of the new column, default to 'column_name + mg/L' """ if new_name == 'default': new_name = column_name + ' ' + 'mg/L'[new_name] =[column_name].values*x*y
## Instead of this function: define a dataframe/dict with conversion or ## concentration factors, so that you can have a function that automatically ## converts all parameters in the frame to concentrations
[docs] def check_ph(self,ph_column='pH',thresh=0.4): """ gives the maximal change in pH Parameters ---------- ph_column : str column with pH-values, default to 'pH' threshold : int threshold value for warning, default to '0.4' """ dph =[ph_column].max()[ph_column].min() if dph > thresh: wn.warn('Strong change in pH during experiment!') else: self.delta_ph = dph
[docs] def in_out(self,columns): """ (start_values-end_values) Parameters ---------- columns : array of strings """ inv=0 outv=0 indexes= self.time.values for column in columns: inv +=[column][indexes[0]] for column in columns: outv +=[column][indexes[-1]] in_out = inv-outv return in_out
[docs] def removal(self,columns): """ total removal of nitrogen (1-(end_values/start_values)) Parameters ---------- columns : array of strings """ inv=0 outv=0 indexes= self.time.values for column in columns: inv +=[column][indexes[0]] for column in columns: outv +=[column][indexes[-1]] removal = 1-(outv/inv) return removal
[docs] def calc_slope(self,columns,time_column='h'): """ calculates the slope of the selected columns Parameters ---------- columns : array of strings columns to calculate the slope for time_column : str time used for calculation; default to 'h' """ for column in columns:[column + " " +'slope'] = ([column].shift(1)[column])\ /([time_column][time_column].shift(1))
[docs] def plot(self,columns,time_column='index'): """ calculates the slope of the selected columns Parameters ---------- columns : array of strings columns to plot time_column : str time used for calculation; default to 'h' """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if time_column=='index': for column in columns: ax.plot(self.time,[column],marker='o') else: for column in columns: ax.plot([time_column],[column],marker='o') ax.legend() return fig,ax
####################################### def _print_removed_output(original,new,type_): """ function printing the output of functions that remove datapoints. Parameters ---------- original : int original length of the dataset new : int length of the new dataset type_ : str 'removed' or 'dropped' """ print('Original dataset:',original,'datapoints') print('New dataset:',new,'datapoints') print(original-new,'datapoints ',type_) def _log_removed_output(log_file,original,new,type_): """ function writing the output of functions that remove datapoints to a log file. Parameters ---------- log_file : str string containing the directory to the log file to be written out original : int original length of the dataset new : int length of the new dataset type_ : str 'removed' or 'dropped' """ log_file = open(log_file,'a') log_file.write(str('\nOriginal dataset: '+str(original)+' datapoints; new dataset: '+ str(new)+' datapoints'+str(original-new)+' datapoints ',type_)) log_file.close()